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Aftercare for your Paramedical or Cosmetic Tattoo

Micropigmentation & Eyebrow Tattoo

Day 1:


Blot the treatment area throughout the entire day. Wash eyebrows every morning with a very gentle/mild wash (baby wash, Cetaphil). Rinse well, blot dry and then put a light coat of the aftercare solution that was provided to you.


DO NOT PICK at any scab that may form. Let them fall off at their own healing pace. Shower with your back to the water stream and do not let the water hit your eyebrows directly.


Micropigmentation Notes:


Your brows will get darker on the second day, then they will start to lighten, peel and heal. After about 3 weeks, your tattooed brows will be very light and almost appear to be gone. By the following week, they will re-present themselves. This is all part of the skin’s healing process.

Eyeliner and lash line Tattoo

Day 1-7:


Wash your eyes every morning with a gentle cleanser, such as baby shampoo. Rinse well, blot dry then leave alone.


IF SORE AND OVER SWOLLEN, you may apply ice. Apply for no more than 10 minutes and remove for at least 20 minutes. Repeat as necessary.


DO NOT PICK at any scabs and shower with your back to the water stream.

All Micropigmentation Aftercare: Eyeliner, Eyebrows and Lips

At first, your Micropigmentation will appear bigger, wider and darker and bolder than it will when it is fully healed. This is normal.


The healing process can take from a minimum of one week to a maximum of two weeks. You must be patient and allow the area to heal and peel before your final results are revealed.


During this 2-week period it is IMPERATIVE that you adhere to the following rules:


  • NO SUN (Including tanning beds)

  • NO CHLORINE WATER (Swimming pool)

  • NO SALT WATER (Sea swimming)


Learn more about paramedical and cosmetic tattoos in our FAQs.


If you would like to contact Charm'Ink® with questions you can contact us here.

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